Our Values

At Thread, we live by the phrase, “Do the Work.” This motto ties together each of our core values, which, together, are the foundation of our consulting philosophy and company culture.


Distinct Product

No two organizations are the same, and at Thread we do the work to design the right development practice for each unique partner by customizing solutions, processes, and products. Our multi-faceted team members deploy their deep and broad experiences to craft a fundraising strategy that is rooted in each partner’s individual reality. There is nothing boiler-plate about Thread’s assistance. We ensure each and every partner has tailored fundraising solutions that work just for them.

Candid communications

Communication is at the heart of every good relationship, and at Thread we do the work to engage in open, honest, and responsive dialogue. We pride ourselves on being timely in our communication, ensuring that key conversations never lag. Our partners can count on us to thoughtfully and compassionately share our candid professional opinion, whether it’s easy to hear or not.

Proactive team

Many hands make light work, and at Thread we do the work to treat each other and our partners as full-fledged teammates. The Thread team is constantly building our knowledge and know-how, sharing newly learned research and best practices, pressure testing our ideas and assumptions against each other’s experience, and iterating on each other’s good work. Our partners can rely on us not just to offer counsel, but to be in the trenches with them as well, writing grants, organizing events, and running gift reports. By teaming up, we believe we all go further, faster.

Connected Community

Building a community is an intentional process, and at Thread we do the work to ensure our partnerships go above and beyond our scope of work deliverables to build genuine relationships. We strive to make friends for life with our partners, who include current and former clients, fellow practitioners, other nonprofit professionals in our respective geographic communities, and trusted vendors. We aim to give back to our community regularly by sharing our work and knowledge through free trainings, our blog and newsletter, and participating in events where we can continue to connect with and strengthen our community.